Saturday, December 16, 2017

#18 and #17

#18 and #17 - Jamie's Bad Brother and Girlfriend

You know you're pretty horrendous when the writers don't even bother giving you a name.  And it's even worse when the descriptor they use is the word "bad."

Now, as I understand it, all the ladies (and some men - we're equal opportunity here) swoon over Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice."  My tastes in literature are not nearly as I have no idea.

But, if you trade in Colin Firth for this Tom Green lookalike -

You're pretty dumb.

"Hurry up, big boy.  I'm naked and I want you at least twice before Jamie gets home" is a quote that has cemented Jamie's girlfriend as the absolute worst in the annals of film history.

And to add insult to injury, Jamie's Bad Brother has the NERVE to show up at Christmas.  And the nameless little twit in pink hates Uncle Jamie?!?!  I wonder her thoughts on Uncle Jamie's Bad Brother. 

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