Saturday, December 16, 2017


#19 - Tony (Who???)

You know you're pretty horrible when in a movie with tons of characters, I literally have to Google "Tony Love Actually" to see if I'm talking about the right guy.  

First, this guy is friends with Colin Friggin' Frissell.  Second, I'm not even sure what he does for a living.  He shows up as a production something or other in the "fluffer" John and Just Judy scenese.  Third, he supports Colin Friggin' Frissell.  Fourth, he does a piss poor job of keeping Colin Friggin' Frissell from unleashing his sexual terror on the United States.

And then he shows up at the airport at the end, is given the chance to make out Denise Richards (more on her and her horrific southern accent later), and it looks like he is stork pecking at birdseed.  

Who are you, Tony?  And why do you contribute so little to one of the best Christmas movies of all time?

At least he has smolder.

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